Support us

Get involved

The National Sobering Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends on the donations of time and resources from individuals who desire to make a difference in the way we address harmful substance use. You can help by:

Sobering Summit

Serving on the annual NSC Sobering Summit Planning Committee

Consumer Advisory Group

Joining our Consumer Advisory Group made up of individuals with lived experience with substance misuse who may or may not have benefitted from a sobering center at some point

Monthly Network calls

Speaking at or attending one of our Monthly Sobering Care Providers Network calls

In-kind services

Providing in-kind service contributions in the areas of marketing, technology, fund development, or human resources


Becoming a one-time or monthly donor in support of growing and expanding sobering care across the country

For more information or to get involved with one of these opportunities, email


Make an impact today with a monthly or one-time tax-deductible contribution